the state of hell and hell faction faction


 Circumstances And Overview About the Atmosphere In The Hell
Praise be to Allah who created heaven for the believers and pious deeds and create a hell for infidels or wicked. Selawat and greetings poured out to the man who was sent as a mercy to all the worlds ie Prophet Muhammad SAW. Surely there are among the scholars of the Salaf are chills and goose bumps when hearing the punishment of Allah. When recited to them verses of the holy Quran tells mainly about the situation in hell. Their hearts sememangnya gently and quickly took iktibar and teaching. However, the present generation who only follow their own lusts who prefer to ignore prayers, derhaka to parents as well as the overhead of world affairs than affairs of the Hereafter. Generations delirious and was always ignore God’s messengers will ultimately harm themselves they also.

Have you ever cried because menbayangkan yourself put in a hell? Have you menbayangkan screams or cries of those who diseksa in hell? Are not you afraid of slipping out of the footbridge As-siratal Mustaqim and fell into hell blazing? Have you also imagine the fruits of Zaqqum being the food the inhabitants of hell? Fikirkanlah how much harm for all creatures God put into hell. Thus, here I want to tell about the circumstances in which azabnya Hell is really awesome. Huraian Hopefully I can give awareness to each individual who reads it. Verily Allah is Most Compassionate and Merciful. Wallahualam ..

Hell is a place seksa replies provided by Allah to the unbelievers and the Muslims who deny command. Faith in the law kewujudan hell is mandatory. Those who do not believe will kewujudan hell is in the class of apostates. Word of Allah:

The point: … guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is men and stones prepared for the unbelievers.

Allah tells us about the doors of hell with words that mean: “Hell it has seven doors. Each door (set) to certain groups than they are. “(Al-Hijr: 44)

Word of Allah SWT that mean: “The disbelievers taken to Hell berombong-group. So that when they get to the hell that is, dibukakanlah doors and said unto them his guards: Do not ever come to you apostles among you who recites to you the verses of your Lord and warned you will be meeting with today? they replied: Yes (has come). But it has certainly applicable statutes doom against unbelievers.
It is said (to them): Come doors of Hell that was to dwell therein. So Hell is an evil that is a place for people who boast themselves. “(Al-Zumar: 71-72)

Hell Hell is highest. Hell is provided is the place for Muslims who sinned.

The names of hell:
Al-which breaks to pieces

Hell is called Hell because he was surly or ruthless as welcome prey that is a sinner. Jahannam will eat meat (burn) the person who entered it. However, among the seven that hell, Hell is more famous because this is a hell of a return of the Muslims who have sinned.

Hell Laza:
Laza hell circumstances also have been declared in the Al-Quran surah Al-Maarij paragraphs 15 to 16 who intend: “May it never be. Indeed hell fire Laza is volatile, which exfoliate the scalp.

Hell Saqar:
For a state in hell anyway Saqar Allah has said in Surah Al-Muddathir (27-28) are intended to: “Do you know what Saqar hell is that? Saqar that never leave and do not allow.
Do not leave and do not allow carry the intent of what is thrown into the hell of it diazabnya to perish and then refunding the original to re punished.

Al-hell which breaks to pieces:
To find out the circumstances in which breaks to pieces note the hell Al-intentioned words of Allah:
“And do you know what that which breaks to pieces? That is, a fire (supplied) God was lit, which burn up to the heart. (Al-Humazah: 5-7)
Al-fire in hell which breaks to pieces that burn their bones ached and burned up in the liver or heart. They diseksa stems rather than the heel and the fire spread to the liver and burned their skin and also over their body. They cried with a vengeance but whoever did not help. They are a continual weeping so kehabis tears. Due to run out of tears, the blood that comes out through their eyes. Blood was pouring quest so much and could carry a canoe.

Hell is a hell of a great embers. Allah says in surah Al-Syu’ra: 9
Purpose: “And diperlihatkanlah clearly Hell to those who are astray.

Hell Hawiyah:
Word of Allah tells hell Hawiyah intentioned:
And as for those who light the scales good, then a return is hell Hawiyah. And do you know what the hell Hawiyah it? That is a very hot fire. (Al-Qaria: 8-11)

Hell Sa’ir:
The Word of God who calls Hell Sa’ir:

Does that mean: “Those who eat up the property of orphans unjustly, they actually swallow it whole-belly fire, and they will go into the blazing fire yan (hell Sa’ir). (Al-Nisa ‘: 10)

To see the flames of hell, the fire was initially turned on for a thousand years until it becomes red. Left on for a thousand years until it becomes white. Left again lit a thousand years so he is black. Then so be it black dark.

The extent of the fire of Hell AND CIRCUMSTANCES.

Hell would be the extent of it and how big the fence. Al-Suradiq is the fence that surrounded the man in Hell.

Mujahid Ibn Abbas asked: “Do you know how spacious hell Jahannnam it? After Mujahid answered no to that question then Ibn ‘Abbas said: Maybe you do not know that those who go to hell it becomes a big body. Between their ears with the back of his neck trips seventy years, of which there is a valley where Kahak and blood flow.
Mujahid asked: Are there a river? Ibn Abbas said: No, there is only the valley. Ibn Abbas asked again: Do you know the broad footbridge Hell? Mujahid said: No. Ibn Abbas said: Aisha RA told me THAT kepadaRasullulah he asked about the purposes of paragraphs:
And they do not glorify God with proper exaltation, in terms of all the earth in his grasp on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens rolled up in His right hand. (Al-Zumar: 67)
Heard that verse Aisha asked: Then where humans when it? He replied: Above Hell catwalk. Due to the extent and magnitude of hell fence that then nothing anyone can flee. Heat Hell, sememangnya much hotter than the fire in the world that is 1 pertujuh twenty than hellfire Jahannnam. The Messenger said: The fire of hell was duplicated 69 times longer than the heat of the fire in the world.


Hell is hell haze, smoky and black. Overall hell is dark black, the water was black, just black and diseksa people in it are also black. According to the word of Allah is intended:
On the day that at a time when some faces will glow white, and there is also a black face grim. (Ali Imran: 106)

They all face and body blackened with smoke and dust Hell. There was not anything cool, just no soothing or entity. Everything is in a state of hot and painful. In surah al-furqan paragraph 12, there are so-called words of Al-Zafir. Al-Zafir mean to sound harsh. Examples of such people are sneezing. In Surah Al-Mulk Similarly there Shahiq sentence, intends to loud noises like the sound Himar or donkey. In verse was also a Tamayyazu sentence, does that mean loud noise like the sound of people are angry. Strictly speaking Hell was bubbling like the sound of boiling water in a pot.


By the power of Allah the hell it was clever to speak like humans. Hell conversation and complained to his Lord. Word of God intends: And remember) the day that day Hell We asked: Do you sudaj full? Hell replied: Are there any extra? (Qaf: 30)

Sememangnya we will be astonished to see people who want to be saved than hell but they are still more good night’s sleep and not charity. So do people who want to enter heaven but they are also not doing a good deed instead was always spent his time sleeping.
Hell was sememangnya really deep. Had the stone thrown into the hell of it, seventy years before the stones to the bottom.

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah who said: One day we were on the side of the Prophet, suddenly he heard a strong voice that memeranjatkan. He said: Do you know what is that sound? We said: Allah and His Messenger know better. He said: This is the sound of a stone thrown into hell since seventy years ago and now he’s new to the bottom.

Hell was heat bersangatan, essentially far, tool steel and azabnya bersangatan pukulnya.
The doors of Hell are closed tightly, hell besieged and burned them rather than all over. It signifies THAT Torture which begins in the Hell it began in earnest. They diseksa with The catastrophic doom. That keadan hell and hell indeed it also has a depth deeper and makes every sin will be cast into hell. God made hell was in that every creature of God who deny God’s instructions, everything will diseksa and no exception; they are believers and pious deeds.


In hell also provided tools consisting seksaan than bridle, shackles, chains, whips iron and so on. Indeed bridle hell was great. One bridle hell sahaja withdrawn by 70, 000 angels. Word of Allah SWT is intended: When mounted shackles and chains around their necks, while they are dragged into very hot water, and then they were burned in the fire. (Ghafir: 71-72)

God’s Word is intended to: (God said): Take him, then belenggulah his hand to his neck. Then insert him into the fire of hell blazing. Then belitlah him with a chain whose length is seventy cubits. (Al-Haqqah: 30-32)

Ibn Abbas said, size is cubit feet of angels and chain that wraps it in through the anus and then continue into the stomach and out than halkumnya, then he bent curved kept bercantum the crown of his head with both his soles so that he can not move. Some people are thrown into hell in a state bonded hands on her neck. Both their hands gathered to the neck and then tied tightly.
People are punished in hell was tied or dibelunggu not mean God fearing they ran, but as an insult to them. Just as criminals are brought to court, his hands digari though he is surrounded by bodyguards. Other than as it is, Hell is also a paddle rather than a big iron, which is where the mountain would crumble if hit with the bat. By the bertaubatlah us before it is too late.


If called hell, maybe we would imagine a big fire and high sahaja. Actually, in the Hell is also a valley and mountains. In the Al-Quran Al-Kalima many called Wail. Crowded cleric said earlier that it intends Wail Al-valley or wadi.

Ata ‘ibn Yasar said: Al-Wail means valley than the fire of hell, the place burn the infidels. Suppose mountain in the world will be thrown into the valley to dust because the heat.

In Hell there are also mountains in the Al-Quran termed Al-Sa’ud. Shafi Al-Asbahiy said Jhannam In hell there is a mountain called Al-Sa’ud. The disbelievers will be told to climb Gunug that, according to the word of God intends: I will climb climbing troublesome burden. (Al-Muddathir: 17)

Hell is also menpunyai in the palace of palaces fire was called Eve ‘. Dumped her infidels, namely onto it, then forty years before to the bottom.

In Hell there is also a wadi (valley) called Atsam and there a lot of snake and scorpion. At the mouth can load seventy schools are venomous. Kala in hell it big like ass. At that time the inhabitants of hell bite. At that time the state of the heat-resistant to hell because he was created by God to menyeksa inhabitants of hell.

Hell Jahannam there is also a valley called Ghayya. He holds pus and Kahak people diseksa in Hell.


Indeed, the inhabitants of hell’s clothing is clothing made out of fire and Allah has created the mat than for the inhabitants of hell fire. Hell is available in mat beds and blankets. Mats or mats instead than the span but instead of fire. The blanket is also not out of the fabric but rather than fire.

Word of Allah SWT is intended: They have tikat sleep than hellfire and above them there is a blanket (hellfire). Thus do We requite the wrongdoers. (Al-Araf: 41)

Hasan Basri said when someone mentions hell in front of him: Fitted to them sandals or selipar than fire, the clothes than hot tar. Their food rather than fire, drink them rather than fire, their mats rather than fire blankets rather than fire and homes than fire. That is a most unfortunate and painful.

While Munabbih bin Wahab said: The people are punished in hell, they really miserable. They never sleep, they will not die, they walk on fire, sitting on the fire, drinking rather than sweat and pus inhabitants of hell. Their food is the fruit of Zaqqum (spiny fruit) were hot. Mats and blankets rather than fire them, their clothes instead of hot tar and they were surrounded by flames.


Word of Allah SWT is intended: Those who disbelieve and man than the way of Allah, We add to them seksaan above seksaan because they always make the damage. (Al-Nahl: 88)

Ibn Mas’ud said seksaan it mean when a great long neck like a palm tree.

Reported by Mujahid RA, THAT Hell it has a pond which there is a snake by the neck of a camel and ass time.


People who are in hell diseksa God purposely exaggerated his body so that they are more merasaka perit that hell doom. Instead of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet SAW said: does that mean: molars people Kahir as the mountain of Uhud and thick-skinned three-day trip for a fast rider. (Muslim)

Indeed, the punishment of hellfire was very miserable. By then, let us seek forgiveness and repent to Allah so that we avoid rather than the punishment of hellfire. Ata ‘ibn Yasar al-Khurasany called friends kawanya equally traveler with her: O polan. O polan … tonight let us pray night and day we fast. It was all much lighter again rather than being forced mium sweat and pus in the flames of hell and wear clothes. Imagine us now as if standing in front of the doors of hell emngepul watched the smoke, the fire burning and also her voice bubbling. You are very sorry because first and immoral and not doing printah God. Fortunately, it is still a fantasy and not yet in force.

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