3 Garden Flowers Beautiful in the World


Farm and garden flowers are blooming always a wonderful sight. Like a field of tulips, sunflowers, lavender and many others, they all complement the scenery with their beautiful colors. Field flower can be so colorful, and as if someone had spilled paint instead of planting flowers, because the flower fields looked like the color palette


1. Garden Flowers Beautiful in the WorldDubai-Miracle-Garden, uae

spectacular to see the heart can not say anything except the extraordinary words

2. Hitachi Seaside Park, Jepang.

Situated in Hitachinaka City, Hitachi Seaside Park covers an area of 190 hectares.


3. Lavender Fields, Provence – Prancis.


Lavender Route in Provence is a route with stunning countryside views from some of the most beautiful villages in the country.


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