World records of high speed trains and maglev




One is interested in Super trains that “Records” heading may of course not be missing. Finally, high-speed trains of “normal” features distinguished by their special services. The first table shows which train on which track reached the highest speed. In the second and third Overview are the fastest travel connections. The fourth and fifth table summarizes the outstanding train movements. However, some services can not be tabulated, which is why I would like to mention a few specifics here.
Since the launch of the official Shinkansen operations in 1964 not a single passenger is still died in a train accident this Super trains killed, even though Japan is relatively frequently hit by earthquakes. [1] [2] Safety is very big in Japan , Nowhere in the world is also done so much for the noise, which is why the high-speed trains are the quietest in the world. [3] [4] The punctuality is another record of the Japanese. The average is fewer than 24 seconds -. Or disruption by typhoons and earthquakes included in the calculation [1] This is no accident. Does the engine driver in a three-kilometer section with a delay of more than 15 seconds, so he has to answer in writing. [5] Nowhere in the world is the line of play of Super trains as dense as in Japan. It is located at 5 minutes per direction. [6] A temporary single-track schedule operation is thus impossible. Repairs to the track and overhead wire can be carried out in the six-hour, nightly pause in operation.
Records up to 2007
In France drove long time the fastest trains in the world. In four ways they were world champions: 1.) is the highest ever reached speed of a train (wheel / rail system) (still) at 574.8 km / h. This world record was achieved by the TGV V-150 on April 3, 2007. [7] 2.) In a presentation tour in May 2001, a TGV Réseau drove a distance of 1067 kilometers in just 3 hours 29 minutes and 36 seconds. The average speed from Calais to Marseille was 305 km / h [8] 3.) The highest average speed between two stops (Distance:. 167.6 km) was 279.3 km / h and was also provided by a TGV [. 9] 4.) The fastest derailment happened in 1993 with a TGV Réseau at a speed of 295 km / h. Fortunately, there was about to complain only 6 slightly injured. [10] An outstanding running performance in everyday operation reached a Thalys PBA train between Brussels and Marseille. the high-speed required for the distance of 1054 kilometers barely four and a half hours at an average speed of 236.0 km / h and two intermediate stops. [11]
2013: China depends France and Japan from
In the race for the fastest trains in the world, China has put in many ways to the top of the super train records. There pervert the fastest trains in the world series. The series CRH380A and CRH380B technical design at 380 km / h. [12] [13] In the second and third places followed by the AGV, Alstom (360 km / h) [14] and the AVE Series 103 from Siemens (350 km / h). [15]
As the following tables can be seen, the Chinese are the number one when it comes to the highest average speeds between two stops. As many as 22 trains take only 47 minutes for the 248 km long distance between Sheoguan and Leiyang. The average speed is 316.6 km / h [16].
Japan had for decades the densest timetable with high-speed trains. Just between Tokyo and Osaka commute the Shinkansen trains with train frequency. Even France is Japan is not far behind, one pulls the dense headways on the Ligne à Grande Vitesse “Paris – Lyon”. Into consideration [17] However, according to the World Speed ​​Survey 2013 China will have the highest volume of traffic on high-speed lines. With more than 70 trains a day the track “Beijing – Tianjin” would most incursions, [18] But this is contrary to the above-mentioned 5-minute intervals on all Shinkansen trains, and has yet to be clarified by research..

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