5 Tips For Younger

You can not do anything to reduce your age. However, doctors and scientists are continually discovering actions that you can do to turn back time by focusing on the biological and psychological age you are. Your psychological age is the subjective experience of how old is your by yourself. While your biological age can be determined by measuring several factors as follows:
• Blood pressure
• The amount of fat in your body
• Limit the senses of hearing and eyesight
• hormones
• Bone density
• The thickness of the skin
• Cholesterol Level
• Ability motion

Perform 5  tips below and begin to distort time.
1. Eliminate the myths become older you become useless

Scientists think that the more you believe the perception that the more you age, the sharpness you are on the wane, it would actually happen to you. Psychologist Becca Levy, Ph.D. from Yale University investigated the psychological influences on age, especially on how a person’s perception affects the physical and mental health.

Although through his research he found that elderly people who have negative opinions about aging have worse test results than the older people who have a positive opinion with age. For example, they argue that with age they grew wise. Levy also pointed out that in a culture that has a more positive view towards aging as compared with the culture in the United States or other western countries, older people scored better on memory tests.

In addition, research shows that older people with positive perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer than people who have a negative perception. Even hearing loss also can be predicted based on the perception of the person.
2. Clean your teeth regularly

Research shows the relationship between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. Consider this: a study shows that men under the age of 50 years who have periodontal disease had a 2.6 times greater chance of dying at a young age and three times greater chance of dying from heart disease than men with healthy teeth and love chewing gum. The main cause of periodontitis is poor dental hygiene and brushing daily, flossing, and check your teeth to the dentist regularly can reduce your chances of developing this disease.

In addition, flossing your teeth and deep vein thrombosis have a relationship. Research shows that the bacteria found in dental plaque is a bacteria similar to those found in fatty deposits that clog arteries. Researchers speculate that bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and cause iritas and blockage of blood vessels. (Source: http://www.realage.com).
3. Maintain a positive attitude

Since 1986, researchers from the University of Kentucky named David Snowdon 678 nuns examined to discover the secrets of the brain, especially what happens to the brain as we age. The results of research known as Nun Study, managed to find ways to live with an active mental life with age. One of the discoveries was a positive emotional state at an early age will help relieve anxiety and can prolong life. In fact, there is a study that shows the relationship between a person’s attitude to the physical and mental health.
4. Exercising

James M. Rippe, M.D is a renowned writer, leading cardiolog, and founder of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute. He explained that if you look at the rest of the stuff at high risk of causing death, one of the most predictable thing is your health. In addition, an elderly who has good heart health is much healthier than someone who is younger but not physically active. By increasing your physical activity, you can roll back your biological clock.
5. Me-manage stress

Research shows that between 60 and 90% of visits to psychiatrists associated with stress. Stress related to everything from colds to cancer. Heart problems, hypertension, high blood pressure, depression, chronic illness, sexual and fertility disorders, and diabetes are all caused by stress. To increase your chances to live longer you should reduce your chances of getting sick, and that means you have to reduce your stress level

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