3 Cleast Countries In The World



The cleanest countries in the World There is a worldwide organization that moves on the earth science information network of columbia university student of policy and research center of environmental legislation from yale university ranking the cleanliness level of the countries in the world.

1 France
Negara Terbersih Di Dunia - Perancis
Who does not know the country‘s iconic Eiffel Tower. In addition to clean the country is also famous for the atmosphere of a typical paris and romantic. Now, not only will the famous French tower eifel and kebersihanya but also as a center of world fashion. And teromantis cleanest city in the world is paris.
2 Columbia
Negara Terbersih Di Dunia - Columbia

The country is famous for crops such as coffee and flowers in the world. Colombia is a country that is clean and has a fairly high life expectancy. Columbian life expectancy of 73 years. besides the well-preserved state of the environment. Columbian natural then in the top 10 cleanest countries in the world

3 Latvia
Negara Terbersih Di Dunia - Latvia
Latvia entered the ranks third cleanest country in the world because it succeeded in maintaining the cleanliness of the city in a few parameters. Parameter Latvia who get the highest score is on the issue of forestry, ozone health, irrigation and preservation of ecosystems. Also in Latvia the problem of air pollution, pesticides and health laws remain in good drinking water.

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