5 Countries with the World’s Most Expensive Coffee

Coffee lovers would want to always look for coffee ternikmat costly. There are five countries in the world known for having the most expensive in the world of delicious coffee.

Here’s a list of five countries:

Country known for its football, it is also has the most expensive coffee in the world number five. Coffee Facenda Santa Ines is the name of the coffee are appreciated USD50 per pound, or about USD22,68 per kilogram.

Minas Geraiz is the name of the region where coffee originated, traditionally cultivated, thus creating a coffee-flavored caramel legitnya mixed berries.


Guatemala is famous for coffee named El Injerto coffee. Coffee from this Huehuetenango region despite having the same price with coffee Facenda Santa Ines, but have the minimum criteria for the purchase, which is not less than 1 pound (0.45 kg).

St. Helena
Yag island located 1,200 miles off the coast of Africa has coffee sold for USD79 per pound, or USD35,8 per kilogram. Napoleon Bonaparte had introduced the fortunate pleasure of coffee from this island to the world.

Boquete, Panama is the place of origin of coffee nicknamed Hacienda La Esmeralda. Due to its unique taste cultivated close to the guava tree makes a fantastic price, no less than USD208 to be paid for one kilogram of this type of coffee.

Our country offers the most expensive coffee in the world. Kopi Luwak Coffee Luwak who need assistance to this process appreciated USD320 per kilogram.

3 This is the most effective Benefits of Soy Milk For Body Health


Benefits of Soy Milk

1. Low calories to the diet

Manfaat susu kedelai yang rendah kalori sehingga baik untuk diet
The calorific content contained in soy milk is low enough that only about 45 calories per 100ml of soy milk. For those of you who are dieting, this certainly is one option that is fit to drink soy milk because it contains low calories. In addition, soy milk is also free of fat.
2. lowering cholesterol
Manfaat susu kedelai yang dapat menurunkan kolesterol
In contrast to the cow’s milk has a high saturated fat, milk fat soybeans mostly unsaturated and non cholesterol. Unsaturated fatty acids and double stumps contained in soy can inhibit the transport of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Research has shown that regular intake of soy can lower bad cholesterol levels.
3.Maintaining a healthy heart
Manfaat susu kedelai yang dapat menjaga kesehatna jantung
The heart is a vital organ of our body. Heart disease may be one health problem that is often experienced by men. Research has recommended that to go on a diet low in saturated fat and sodium and high in protein in order to prevent cardiovascular problems. Consuming a cup of soy milk contains 3.6 grams of fat, 0.5 grams saturated fat 6.3 grams of protein, and 104 calories. in addition, the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fat soy milk can help in overcoming the problem of high blood pressure and cholesterol.

How to Make a Delicious Chicken Soup Scrumptious steady


Chicken soup is a thin foods made from various types of vegetables and chicken. The same as the chicken soup with meat soup or soup saso others. This food is suitable enjoyed when the weather was rainy in the winter because it is still hot chicken soup will help keep warm. Chicken soup is also very suitable served with white rice. Part of chicken chicken soup is usually made wing and claw. But chicken can be made into soup tastier. Chicken soup tastes good and delicious with the scent of a sprinkling of fried onions and sliced scallion pods can increase your appetite. Not a lot of strings attached, we just see recipe below to make chicken soup.

Material :

350 gr chicken (cut into pieces)
1 medium-size carrots (cut into pieces), 2 potatoes (diced)
1 stalk scallion pods (finely sliced)
fried onions for topping to taste
1 red tomatoes (diced)
5 thread pea beans (cut every 3 cm)
2 pieces of cabbage (cut into pieces)
salt to taste
sugar to taste
flavoring to taste
enough water
cooking oil to taste

Softened seasoning :

5 red onions
2 cloves of garlic
2 eggs hazelnut roasted
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

Process to Make Chicken Soup:

chicken already cut into pieces washed with water until it is completely clean, drained
saute the ingredients are mashed with a little oil until fragrant
Pour enough water into the pan seasoning, wait until boiling
enter into the chicken pieces stewed seasoning, let stand until soft and tender
enter all the vegetables that have been cut into the boiling chicken
add sugar, salt and flavorings, stir until well blended and cooked
turn off the heat and insert a slice of tomato and sliced ​​scallion pods
chicken soup ready to be served

Serve sprinkled chicken soup with fried onions and enjoy chicken soup with white rice mixed with your family.

350 gr chicken (cut into pieces)
1 medium-size carrots (cut into pieces), 2 potatoes (diced)
1 stalk scallion pods (finely sliced)
fried onions for topping to taste
1 red tomatoes (diced)
5 thread pea beans (cut every 3 cm)
2 pieces of cabbage (cut into pieces)
salt to taste
sugar to taste
flavoring to taste
enough water
cooking oil to taste

Softened seasoning :

5 red onions
2 cloves of garlic
2 eggs hazelnut roasted
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper

Serve sprinkled chicken soup with fried onions and enjoy chicken soup with white rice mixed with your family.

Like eating a spicy meal? Here are 5 foods hottest in the world

Here goes the list of the world‘s hottest food from a wide variety of culinary world that exists. As an Indonesian, we are certainly proud of our food that is rich in flavor and have unique characteristics not shared by the food of most other countries, yes, spicy! Although spicy foods are almost always associated with a country such as Thailand, Indonesia turns food into the list of the ten most spicy foods according to Caucasian people‘s tongue.

1.Tom Yum
Spicy sour soup from Thailand is indeed very tempting, enticing aroma and spicy seared promising. Tom Yum variation of this lot, among others is Tom Yum Gai (chicken) or Tom Yum Pla (seafood), spicy flavor that is derived from the so-called Thai chili Bird‘s Eye Chilis, lime juice and lime leaves. This combination, was enough to burn the oral cavity Caucasian people.


2.Shrimp Creole
This dish comes from the southern part of the United States, and is a comfort food for those who love the mouth was burning. Seasonings and food ingredients is simple, such as peppers, tomatoes, shrimp and chicken, and spicy flavor of food is obtained from fresh chilli and cayenne pepper.


3.Papa a la Huancaina
From Peru, snacks such as potato salad, which contains cold boiled potatoes, and served with a sauce Huancaina. Detailed presentation of the food is always involving lettuce, black olives, corn, and pieces of boiled egg. Huancaina sauce is what makes it extra spicy, because apart made of cheese, condensed milk, salt, one of the ingredients is called Amarillo chili chili, fairly spicy.
4.Radish with Sichuan pepper
The Chinese, in general, served fresh salad with a bit of a sour taste, but the salad was very different. Radish with Sichuan pepper (whole) and a piece of red pepper. So in this food you will find the taste of sweet, spicy and crunchy. Indeed, the food is served with brilliant .. and burn .. Cabe used? Bird‘s Eye Chilis. If chili is still lacking, remember, there is a whole Sichuan pepper. It feels, illustrated with attractive, spicy acids, or create them Caucasian, simply say: like chewing mines.
Bibimbap with Kimchi
5.Bibimbap with Kimchi
Bibimbap? Kimchi? .. Foreigners who came from Korea, let’s see one by one. Kimchi is a pickled cabbage, spiced with garlic, shallots, chilli and ginger! Spicy? It is certain, too hot! Pickled cabbage fermentation period is a few months, so you can imagine, spicy flavor of garlic and chili and ginger which is certain to sting! Bibimbap is a typical classical Korean food, which consists of rice, sauteed vegetables, bacon, fried egg and sambal.
       make you drool   .. ….