the best fruit in the world



Nutrition experts have grouped some of the fruit that is considered a “super fruit“.

Keri Glassman, founder and author of Slim Calm Sexy Diet, says that the fruit of the super” is a lot of benefits that should be consumed directly and not processed. When your purchase is complete, immediately eat the fruit that is still in fresh condition.

1. Acai berry

The fruit has a high content of antioxidants than other berries. However, the fruit is difficult to obtain in fresh condition because it came from Brazil. To that end, Glassman suggestion, you can use the acai berry is processed in powder form is then mixed in a smoothie.

2. Apples


The apple is a fruit rich in fiber. On the skin either red or green apples contain quercetin, which helps protect you from heart disease and allergies. A study of St George’s Hospital Medical School in London found that people who ate five or more apples have lung function better.

3. Avocados


Avocados contain unsaturated fats, can help lower bad cholesterol in the body, while increasing the amount of good cholesterol. Healthy fats in avocados help the absorption of beta-carotene and lycopene are important for heart health.

the dangers of all types of narcotics

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Drug For Pecandunya danger Narkoba-, For addicts, the dangers of drugs is not only detrimental to the physical problems but will experience a mental disorder and psychosis. Actually, this drug is a psychotropic compounds commonly used by doctors or hospitals to anesthetize patients who want surgery or as a cure for a particular disease, but this perception should be dismissed due to the use beyond its function and the dose beyond the requirements. If misused, the dangers of drugs can affect the nervous system, resulting in addiction and dependency, because it affects the nervous system. This is the danger of drug dependence affects physical, psychological, and social environment.
1) The danger of drugs on physical Disturbances in the nervous system (neurological) Disturbances in heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) Disorders of the skin (dermatological) Interference in the lung (pulmonary) Frequent headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea-diarrhea, increased body temperature, heart and insomnia disorders diminution of reproductive health that padaendokrin disorders, such as: a decrease in the function of reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), as well as sexual dysfunction. Disruption to adolescent reproductive health of women, among others, changes in menstrual periods, menstrual irregularities, and amenorhoe (not menstruating) For drug users through needle, especially the use of hypodermic needles in turn, the risk is of contracting diseases such as hepatitis B, C, and HIV Dangers of drugs can be fatal when it occurs over dose ie drug consumption exceeds the body’s ability to receive it. Over dosage can cause death
2) The danger of drugs on psychology Work slowly and seroboh, often tense and anxious Lost confidence, apathy, dreamer, suspiciously provocative, become malignant and behavior that brutally hard to concentrate, feelings of upset and depressed Tends to hurt themselves, feelings of insecurity, even suicide
3) The danger of drugs on the social environment mental disorder Anti-social and immoral ostracized by environmentally troublesome and a burden on family education was interrupted, and a bleak future
Drug accordance Kind
Narkoba- Danger, Drugs do have different types depending, of course the effects that can be generated can vary according to its kind. Here are the dangers of drugs according to its kind:
1) Opioids: Severe Depression Apathy, nervous and restless Many sleep, fatigue excessive Lazy move, seizures, and heart rate quickened always feel suspicious, joy exaggerated, self-esteem increased Talkative but slurred, pupils narrowed Pressure increased blood, cold sweats nausea to vomiting wounds on nasal septum Loss of appetite, weight loss
2) heart rate quickened Cocaine Restlessness, excessive joy Rasa talkative, self-esteem increased cramps, dilated pupils cold sweats, nausea to vomiting fighting Easy Bleeding in the brain blood vessel blockage uncontrolled eye movement Muscle stiffness of the neck
3) Marijuana puffy eyes, bags under the eyes look puffy and red and watery Often dreamy, hearing impaired, always laughing sometimes quick-tempered Not excited, restless dehydration, liver bones brittle teeth Nerves damaged brain and nervous eyes Schizophrenia
4) ectasy Energetic but his eyes glazed and his face pale, sweaty Trouble sleeping brain nerve damage Dehydration Impaired liver bones and teeth loss of appetite Not damaged eye nerves
5) Shabu-shabu: Energetic Paranoid Trouble sleeping is hard to think of the brain nerve damage, especially the nerves that control breathing to feel breathless Talkative quickened heartbeat Shock brain hemorrhage on heart blood vessels that will lead to death.
6) Benzodiazepines: Walking unsteadily Facial redness Talkative but slurred Damage Easy to anger concentration disturbed body organs especially the brain
So I can write an article about the dangers of drugs, may the reader can better understand the dangers of these drugs and away from it. Thank you for visiting.

10 Latest Facts Regarding Fitnes


Maintaining health is the main thing that you need to prioritize. One way to maintain health is diligently practiced. This is an activity that can make your body stay healthy and not get sick. Practicing allows the body to remain active and help keep the organs of your body work according to its function.

Here are 10 things you need to know about fitness and the benefits you can get by diligent practice:

Improve Brain Capability. Diligent practice can increase the amount of oxygen and serotonin in the brain. Increased serotonin in the brain helps clear the mind, while increasing the amount of oxygen to the brain can encourage physical and mental reactions better.
Relieves Stress. Regular exercise can relieve stress you can experience anytime. Exercise allows the muscles to stretch, making the brain and the body feels fresh. Additionally, while training the body to produce endorphins which can give a feeling of happiness and help reduce your stress. images


Increase Energy. The energy level of a person depends on the ability of muscle tissue to produce more energy, which in turn is also dependent on oxygen. Oxygen is carried through the body by the blood. When you exercise, your heart rate will increase. This situation will increase the flow of blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to all the muscle tissue. Increased blood circulation also provides more oxygen to the brain, which in turn will increase your energy.

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Looking Time To Exercise It’s hard. Practicing does not mean you have to spend more than an hour in the gym so if you do not have that much time then you do not practice. You can still spend 20 minutes a day to practice, whether it’s walking, cycling, jumping rope, and others.
Increase Kinship. Choose an exercise you can do with your family, friends or the people closest to you, such as walking, jogging, cycling, and so on. Exercises are done together can improve your family relationships. Moreover, your spirit will be pumped by the presence of the people closest to your side.
Helps Prevent Disease. Research shows that exercise routines play a major role to prevent some diseases such as heart disease, stoke, osteoporosis, and many more. Exercise can also prevent premature aging. High body activity, smoothening the flow of blood, and trained muscles of the body allows the increase body resistance against various diseases.
Strengthen the heart. Not only useful for preventing the disease, regular exercise is also useful for strengthening the circulatory system and your heart. Will be stronger heart pumps the blood and work more effectively. This prevents the occurrence of plaques in blood vessels and prevent your body tired during practice.
Helps to Increase Weight Loss. Not only good exercise routine is done for people who are overweight. For those of you who want to gain weight, exercise is also a thing that you must do. Activities exercise requires more calories and protein needed by the body for energy and muscle growth process. This is what ultimately makes you eat more so that it can make you gain weight.
Improve Appearance. After a few weeks you start exercise routines, you will see the progress on your muscles. Your muscles will be visibly firmer and make the body more proportional. In addition, your body is much stronger and your confidence will increase as this change.
Dropped Weight Not Main Objectives. Losing weight is often a major reason for people to practice. But that is not the main benefits of the practice. Therefore, whatever the purpose of your initial practice, do not make it as the only goal. While you decide to practice because they want to lose weight, also made fitness program as part of your lifestyle to get a better quality of health.

Exercise is a good routine performed by anyone as long-term investment for the overall health of your body. So, practice right now!

3 This is the most effective Benefits of Soy Milk For Body Health


Benefits of Soy Milk

1. Low calories to the diet

Manfaat susu kedelai yang rendah kalori sehingga baik untuk diet
The calorific content contained in soy milk is low enough that only about 45 calories per 100ml of soy milk. For those of you who are dieting, this certainly is one option that is fit to drink soy milk because it contains low calories. In addition, soy milk is also free of fat.
2. lowering cholesterol
Manfaat susu kedelai yang dapat menurunkan kolesterol
In contrast to the cow’s milk has a high saturated fat, milk fat soybeans mostly unsaturated and non cholesterol. Unsaturated fatty acids and double stumps contained in soy can inhibit the transport of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Research has shown that regular intake of soy can lower bad cholesterol levels.
3.Maintaining a healthy heart
Manfaat susu kedelai yang dapat menjaga kesehatna jantung
The heart is a vital organ of our body. Heart disease may be one health problem that is often experienced by men. Research has recommended that to go on a diet low in saturated fat and sodium and high in protein in order to prevent cardiovascular problems. Consuming a cup of soy milk contains 3.6 grams of fat, 0.5 grams saturated fat 6.3 grams of protein, and 104 calories. in addition, the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fat soy milk can help in overcoming the problem of high blood pressure and cholesterol.

This is 3 Fat Most People in the World 2016



Some say that a person is obese means he prospered. Maybe it is because the nutritional intake of food received affluent. Still, if there are people who are excessively overweight it is something terrible.

In the medical world, the term excessive fat are obese. Someone who are obese are likely going to lose his ability to perform daily routines. Therefore, obesity is considered as one of the dangerous diseases.

Although it is already known the dangers of obesity, there are still people who have a weight problem. Even weight following people is somewhat fantastic and awful. Reported Oddee, here they are with the heaviest weight in the world.

1. Paul Mason

Paul Mason is a 59-year-old man who came from England. He holds the record as the world’s fattest man with weight reached 444 kilograms! But Mason recently had to undergo gastric bypass surgery makes the weight Mason shrank to 254 kilograms.

Mason said that the cause of his weight so fantastic is consuming 20 thousand calories / day. The bald man also alleged that the British Health Service did not allow him to see a specialist interference when the weight just over 181 kg.

2. Donna Simpson

Donna Simpson is the American woman born in 1967 in the year 2008. expressed his desire to become the fattest woman to the world. No kidding, targeting self Simpson has a weight of 450 kg. The result in June 2010, Simpson weight dropped to 273 kg even after 290 kg in 2008.

During the process of fattening the body, Simpson even paying fans who were watching whatever he ate on site. Until 2010, Simpson won the world record for fattest woman in the world to give birth. August 2011, Simpson planning a diet that has a weight of 170 kg in order to raise their children later.

3. Manuel Uribe

Manuel Uribe is a man from Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico who was born on June 11, 1965. Name Uribe is known as one of the most severely obese people throughout history because of her weight reached 597 kg. Uribe could not even get out of bed since 2001. With the help of nutritionists and doctors, Uribe had managed to cut weight 181.8 kg.

Although the super obese, Uribe refuses even gastric bypass surgery is offered by a team of Italian doctors. Prone to disease, on October 26, 2008, Uribe managed to lose weight and be 360 kg. Coming in mid-2009 back, Uribe rumored dead. Recorded in February 2012 and then, Uribe has a weight of 199 kg. Uribe spirit!