the dangers of all types of narcotics

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Drug For Pecandunya danger Narkoba-, For addicts, the dangers of drugs is not only detrimental to the physical problems but will experience a mental disorder and psychosis. Actually, this drug is a psychotropic compounds commonly used by doctors or hospitals to anesthetize patients who want surgery or as a cure for a particular disease, but this perception should be dismissed due to the use beyond its function and the dose beyond the requirements. If misused, the dangers of drugs can affect the nervous system, resulting in addiction and dependency, because it affects the nervous system. This is the danger of drug dependence affects physical, psychological, and social environment.
1) The danger of drugs on physical Disturbances in the nervous system (neurological) Disturbances in heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) Disorders of the skin (dermatological) Interference in the lung (pulmonary) Frequent headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea-diarrhea, increased body temperature, heart and insomnia disorders diminution of reproductive health that padaendokrin disorders, such as: a decrease in the function of reproductive hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), as well as sexual dysfunction. Disruption to adolescent reproductive health of women, among others, changes in menstrual periods, menstrual irregularities, and amenorhoe (not menstruating) For drug users through needle, especially the use of hypodermic needles in turn, the risk is of contracting diseases such as hepatitis B, C, and HIV Dangers of drugs can be fatal when it occurs over dose ie drug consumption exceeds the body’s ability to receive it. Over dosage can cause death
2) The danger of drugs on psychology Work slowly and seroboh, often tense and anxious Lost confidence, apathy, dreamer, suspiciously provocative, become malignant and behavior that brutally hard to concentrate, feelings of upset and depressed Tends to hurt themselves, feelings of insecurity, even suicide
3) The danger of drugs on the social environment mental disorder Anti-social and immoral ostracized by environmentally troublesome and a burden on family education was interrupted, and a bleak future
Drug accordance Kind
Narkoba- Danger, Drugs do have different types depending, of course the effects that can be generated can vary according to its kind. Here are the dangers of drugs according to its kind:
1) Opioids: Severe Depression Apathy, nervous and restless Many sleep, fatigue excessive Lazy move, seizures, and heart rate quickened always feel suspicious, joy exaggerated, self-esteem increased Talkative but slurred, pupils narrowed Pressure increased blood, cold sweats nausea to vomiting wounds on nasal septum Loss of appetite, weight loss
2) heart rate quickened Cocaine Restlessness, excessive joy Rasa talkative, self-esteem increased cramps, dilated pupils cold sweats, nausea to vomiting fighting Easy Bleeding in the brain blood vessel blockage uncontrolled eye movement Muscle stiffness of the neck
3) Marijuana puffy eyes, bags under the eyes look puffy and red and watery Often dreamy, hearing impaired, always laughing sometimes quick-tempered Not excited, restless dehydration, liver bones brittle teeth Nerves damaged brain and nervous eyes Schizophrenia
4) ectasy Energetic but his eyes glazed and his face pale, sweaty Trouble sleeping brain nerve damage Dehydration Impaired liver bones and teeth loss of appetite Not damaged eye nerves
5) Shabu-shabu: Energetic Paranoid Trouble sleeping is hard to think of the brain nerve damage, especially the nerves that control breathing to feel breathless Talkative quickened heartbeat Shock brain hemorrhage on heart blood vessels that will lead to death.
6) Benzodiazepines: Walking unsteadily Facial redness Talkative but slurred Damage Easy to anger concentration disturbed body organs especially the brain
So I can write an article about the dangers of drugs, may the reader can better understand the dangers of these drugs and away from it. Thank you for visiting.