3 This is the most effective Benefits of Soy Milk For Body Health


Benefits of Soy Milk

1. Low calories to the diet

Manfaat susu kedelai yang rendah kalori sehingga baik untuk diet
The calorific content contained in soy milk is low enough that only about 45 calories per 100ml of soy milk. For those of you who are dieting, this certainly is one option that is fit to drink soy milk because it contains low calories. In addition, soy milk is also free of fat.
2. lowering cholesterol
Manfaat susu kedelai yang dapat menurunkan kolesterol
In contrast to the cow’s milk has a high saturated fat, milk fat soybeans mostly unsaturated and non cholesterol. Unsaturated fatty acids and double stumps contained in soy can inhibit the transport of cholesterol into the bloodstream. Research has shown that regular intake of soy can lower bad cholesterol levels.
3.Maintaining a healthy heart
Manfaat susu kedelai yang dapat menjaga kesehatna jantung
The heart is a vital organ of our body. Heart disease may be one health problem that is often experienced by men. Research has recommended that to go on a diet low in saturated fat and sodium and high in protein in order to prevent cardiovascular problems. Consuming a cup of soy milk contains 3.6 grams of fat, 0.5 grams saturated fat 6.3 grams of protein, and 104 calories. in addition, the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fat soy milk can help in overcoming the problem of high blood pressure and cholesterol.