3 People Strongest in the World



1.John Holtum Cannonball King (King Meriam, 1845-1919

1. John Holtum oleh SegiEmpatDanish strong man Has the strength that makes many people feel shocked and amazed at the sight. How not to fire the cannon were so close that leads and throws his body makes a sturdy and withstand the blows of the cannon seeds. Very dangerous action of this man certainly make a lot of people are amazed at the power it has.

Although it is very risky and even has removed three pieces of his finger, Holtum very well known by many people important region of Europe at the time and later became a strong and successful in America. The audience who challenged him in exchange worth 3,000 francs. tek dither made showed that death-defying it.

2. Angus MacAskill – Giant MacAskill (1825 – 1863)

2. Angus MacAskill oleh SegiEmpat

Tall strong man and this one comes from the island Beneray, Scotland, who later moved to Nova Scotia. The age of 20 years is enough to make him famous as the man who has a large body size with the size of 223 cm to 236 cm at the peak of growth in the size of his body with bear weight reached 580 pounds. He also joined the bevy of circus P.T. Barnum in 1849 and then joined in one big circus kempo General Tom Thumb by the action of the high strength of this great man. In heavy anchors the show with barrel-shaped weights with a weight of 2800 and 300 in right and left hand is able to be appointed by him.

He also cordially invited to Windsor Castle by Queen Victoria when its ability to spread. Outstanding ability made him crowned by the queen as a human being the biggest, tallest and the strongest ever to enter the castle and demonstrated ability.

3. Arthur Saxon – Master Expense (1878 – 1921)

3. Arthur Saxon oleh SegiEmpat

The 19th century became Arthur Saxon period as the strongest man who became one of the cast of circus at the time. Bending press’ into a skill which makes it very popular, especially when he successfully took away beben weighing 370 kg with the combined strength of the leg muscles, arms and back. Kurt and Hemann are brothers who also became one of the circus for Saxon Trio, and three siblings made menjelejahi Europe to demonstrate its capabilities.
Eugene Sandow (a muscular man) who tried to want to emulate akso Saxon Trio at that time were unable to mempertujukkan a similar appearance at one of the performances Saxon Trio in 1898, which was attended by him.

3 Cleast Countries In The World



The cleanest countries in the World There is a worldwide organization that moves on the earth science information network of columbia university student of policy and research center of environmental legislation from yale university ranking the cleanliness level of the countries in the world.

1 France
Negara Terbersih Di Dunia - Perancis
Who does not know the country‘s iconic Eiffel Tower. In addition to clean the country is also famous for the atmosphere of a typical paris and romantic. Now, not only will the famous French tower eifel and kebersihanya but also as a center of world fashion. And teromantis cleanest city in the world is paris.
2 Columbia
Negara Terbersih Di Dunia - Columbia

The country is famous for crops such as coffee and flowers in the world. Colombia is a country that is clean and has a fairly high life expectancy. Columbian life expectancy of 73 years. besides the well-preserved state of the environment. Columbian natural then in the top 10 cleanest countries in the world

3 Latvia
Negara Terbersih Di Dunia - Latvia
Latvia entered the ranks third cleanest country in the world because it succeeded in maintaining the cleanliness of the city in a few parameters. Parameter Latvia who get the highest score is on the issue of forestry, ozone health, irrigation and preservation of ecosystems. Also in Latvia the problem of air pollution, pesticides and health laws remain in good drinking water.

3 Most Corrupt police agency in the World



1. Haiti Police / police haiti

Lembaga polisi Paling Korup di Dunia

Most Corrupt police agency in the World
And he is the most corrupt cop in the world, from Haiti. Haitian police have affected society and culture with unethical practices. In recent years, the Haitian National Police has violated a wide range of human rights and undermined by laws of their own, such as kidnapping, drug trafficking and brutality against citizens. They even refused to prevent or respond to gang-related violence, reported by residents. But it looks Lawlessness there has eased slightly after the devastating earthquake in January 2010, but only time will tell whether they will remain like this?

2. Mexican Police / Police mexico
Lembaga polisi Paling Korup di Dunia

Mexico holds the record as the second most corrupt police. Mexican police turn to corruption because it could not find another way to earn money because of their low salaries. Police hired criminals to extort tourists with a very sadistic way, when the squeeze criminals who conspired with the police provides the options to the victim with the terms already quite well known there, namely Plomo o plata,” which means dead or alive. Mexican police also cooperate with the drug cartels to protect them, even they themselves are also drug trafficking. They often ignore the crimes reported and investigated, police Mexico often imprison innocent people to cover up their dirty work.
3. Kenya Police / Police kenya

Lembaga polisi Paling Korup di Dunia

Kenya occupy in sequence 3 as police most corrupt in the world. According to the latest survey report of Transparency International, 92 percent of civilians kenya bribes to the police have been doing over the last 12 months.

Human Cannibals gruesome death in the World




1.Indian tribes in the Western Caribbean Kepuluan

1492 Christophorus Columbus discovered the Caribbean islands. In the original inhabitants of the island who turns out to be half-naked cannibal! For Europeans at the time, cannibals are very dangerous creatures. This is the origin of the slaughter and exploitation.
Ethnic South American origin living around Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina, named Tupinamba, have a habit of eating prisoners of war as an act of revenge for the family who die in battle. This practice is known as Endokanibalisme.
The indigenous remains done until the early 17th century after the entry of European nations, especially Spain, this tribe then disappeared. Most displaced and assimilated with the rest of Brazilian society.
In the United States found traces of cannibalism committed by Anasazis, an ancient Indian tribe that destroyed 1,300 years ago. There was found dust and broken bones, scars flaking scalp, mutilate, burn scars, and roasting human flesh above the pot.
The Aztecs did cannibalism in their religious rituals. Initially, the victim is a prisoner of war, but then propagate also on members of his own tribe. Allegedly, as a punishment for the crimes that have been committed by members of the tribe.
10 gruesome cannibal Man In The World

Maori are New Zealand‘s first settlers who arrived centuries before Europeans with early modern culture. They have known the practice of cannibalism during warfare. In October 1809 a European convict ship was attacked by a large group of Maori warriors as revenge for the mistreatment of children of a chief.

The Maori killed most of the 66 people on the passenger ship and took the victims to die and live off the boat and back to shore to be eaten. Some people are lucky to find a hiding place in the mast of fear because they see his shipmates eaten

3.tribe Tolai
10 gruesome cannibal Man In The World

A tribe in Papua New Guinea of the modern era, apologized for their ancestors have been killing and eating four missionaries of the 19th century, led by a British clergyman, the Rev. George Brown, a Wesleyan adventurous missionary, who was born in Durham but spent his life spreading the word of God in the Christian and the South Seas.

In 1978 the rate Tolai killing the minister and three teachers Fiji, they cook and eat together, led by chief Taleli Tolai

register listing the most violent criminals of all time

1.Bonnie & clyde


was terrible Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow and Bonnie & Clyde a couple of criminals who are very well known until there is a film that tells both.
The couple is a brutal robber who did not hesitate to kill. 9 policemen and several civilians become their victims.

2.Ted bundy


Theodore Robert Bundy ed or are killers, kidnappers, rapists, necrophile who did not hesitate to commit murder.

Buoyed by the 30 victims he killed with a club or strangled. He eventually was executed ..


Jack the ripper


  • Jack the Ripper is a killer who until now have not known who her real identity.

The killer is well-known in the area of Whitechapel, London, 1888. The killer knew the victim target organ sadistic and mature.

3 Garden Flowers Beautiful in the World


Farm and garden flowers are blooming always a wonderful sight. Like a field of tulips, sunflowers, lavender and many others, they all complement the scenery with their beautiful colors. Field flower can be so colorful, and as if someone had spilled paint instead of planting flowers, because the flower fields looked like the color palette


1. Garden Flowers Beautiful in the WorldDubai-Miracle-Garden, uae

spectacular to see the heart can not say anything except the extraordinary words

2. Hitachi Seaside Park, Jepang.

Situated in Hitachinaka City, Hitachi Seaside Park covers an area of 190 hectares.


3. Lavender Fields, Provence – Prancis.


Lavender Route in Provence is a route with stunning countryside views from some of the most beautiful villages in the country.


World records of high speed trains and maglev




One is interested in Super trains that “Records” heading may of course not be missing. Finally, high-speed trains of “normal” features distinguished by their special services. The first table shows which train on which track reached the highest speed. In the second and third Overview are the fastest travel connections. The fourth and fifth table summarizes the outstanding train movements. However, some services can not be tabulated, which is why I would like to mention a few specifics here.
Since the launch of the official Shinkansen operations in 1964 not a single passenger is still died in a train accident this Super trains killed, even though Japan is relatively frequently hit by earthquakes. [1] [2] Safety is very big in Japan , Nowhere in the world is also done so much for the noise, which is why the high-speed trains are the quietest in the world. [3] [4] The punctuality is another record of the Japanese. The average is fewer than 24 seconds -. Or disruption by typhoons and earthquakes included in the calculation [1] This is no accident. Does the engine driver in a three-kilometer section with a delay of more than 15 seconds, so he has to answer in writing. [5] Nowhere in the world is the line of play of Super trains as dense as in Japan. It is located at 5 minutes per direction. [6] A temporary single-track schedule operation is thus impossible. Repairs to the track and overhead wire can be carried out in the six-hour, nightly pause in operation.
Records up to 2007
In France drove long time the fastest trains in the world. In four ways they were world champions: 1.) is the highest ever reached speed of a train (wheel / rail system) (still) at 574.8 km / h. This world record was achieved by the TGV V-150 on April 3, 2007. [7] 2.) In a presentation tour in May 2001, a TGV Réseau drove a distance of 1067 kilometers in just 3 hours 29 minutes and 36 seconds. The average speed from Calais to Marseille was 305 km / h [8] 3.) The highest average speed between two stops (Distance:. 167.6 km) was 279.3 km / h and was also provided by a TGV [. 9] 4.) The fastest derailment happened in 1993 with a TGV Réseau at a speed of 295 km / h. Fortunately, there was about to complain only 6 slightly injured. [10] An outstanding running performance in everyday operation reached a Thalys PBA train between Brussels and Marseille. the high-speed required for the distance of 1054 kilometers barely four and a half hours at an average speed of 236.0 km / h and two intermediate stops. [11]
2013: China depends France and Japan from
In the race for the fastest trains in the world, China has put in many ways to the top of the super train records. There pervert the fastest trains in the world series. The series CRH380A and CRH380B technical design at 380 km / h. [12] [13] In the second and third places followed by the AGV, Alstom (360 km / h) [14] and the AVE Series 103 from Siemens (350 km / h). [15]
As the following tables can be seen, the Chinese are the number one when it comes to the highest average speeds between two stops. As many as 22 trains take only 47 minutes for the 248 km long distance between Sheoguan and Leiyang. The average speed is 316.6 km / h [16].
Japan had for decades the densest timetable with high-speed trains. Just between Tokyo and Osaka commute the Shinkansen trains with train frequency. Even France is Japan is not far behind, one pulls the dense headways on the Ligne à Grande Vitesse “Paris – Lyon”. Into consideration [17] However, according to the World Speed ​​Survey 2013 China will have the highest volume of traffic on high-speed lines. With more than 70 trains a day the track “Beijing – Tianjin” would most incursions, [18] But this is contrary to the above-mentioned 5-minute intervals on all Shinkansen trains, and has yet to be clarified by research..

3 world’s most expensive weapon




1.VO Vapen (Falcon Edition) – US $ 820,000
VO Falcon Edition Vapen as weapons between Fogo mais do world faces
VO Vapen é or rifle mais do world expensive. When it is on or mesmo fala, mentioned that weapon é é uma feita of rare jóia com clássica painting and aço damask. E foi feito by VO Vapen, weapon uma company operates fora da Sweden since 1977.
Vapen VO Falcon Edition, é um clássico rifle, feito a mão, e uma weapon fogo da Suíça, real-uma beleza. Feito by Mr. Mestre Armeiro Viggo Olsson and seu filho Gunsmith Ulf Olsson; all feitos são os rifles‘re mao by senhores. Eles dizem all rifles são os na baseados give them only technique that allows ao Proprietário use several different calibres for a mesma weapon.


2.Smith caliber-44 – US $ 360,000
Introduzida em around 1869, to American .44 S & W revolver cartridge é um Central American Fogo. E foi not used Smith & Wesson Model 3 as a weapon padrão do Exército two Americas.
E works com uma lubricated bullet fora do mesmo diâmetro as russa .44 S & M, com um diameter gargalo of ligeiramente maior capsule, and both black powder charges and sem fumaça.
Um as American black powder revolver, this remaining as or sua série deve using just black powder charges, because as modern gunpowder pressões gerarão excessivas.Smith-calibre-entre-as-armas-de-fogo-mais-caras-do-mundo
3.Gun Wyatt Earp – US $ 225,000
Wyatt Earp‘s Colt between Fogo weapons as faces do mundo mais
Wyatt Earp foi or primeiro American jogador, do Prima County, Arizona Deputado Xerife do. Sua gun sold em um foi uma leilão as peça of coleção linked to ele.
That accredits-se foi mesma weapon used to kill 3 bandits em cowboys tiroteio O. K. Corral. A weapon foi sold for alguém do Novo Mexico for US $ 225,000.Wyatt-Earps-Colt-entre-as-armas-de-fogo-mais-caras-do-mundo

3 Cigarettes Cigars most delicious and most expensive in the world



Gurkha Black Dragon

(images: lotex888

Price: US $ 1.150 / US $ 13.3 million
The most expensive cigars that ever existed on this planet, namely cigars Gurkha Black Dragon. Breastbone contained in these cigars themselves carved by hand. These types of cigars sold only in specialty stores worldwide.

(images: lotex888

Price: US $ 470 / US $ 5.4 million
Cohiba Behike has a length of 7.5 inches and was first on the market in 2006. The company produces only 100 cigars of this brand.

3. Arturo Fuente Opus X

(images: lotex888


Price: US $ 79 / US $ 918 600
Type of cigar is very rare in the market. The length of the cigar reaches 9.2 inches while the size of a cigar is like a ring. These cigars are sold only in specialty stores worldwide or can be purchased online.


5 Countries with the World’s Most Expensive Coffee

Coffee lovers would want to always look for coffee ternikmat costly. There are five countries in the world known for having the most expensive in the world of delicious coffee.

Here’s a list of five countries:

Country known for its football, it is also has the most expensive coffee in the world number five. Coffee Facenda Santa Ines is the name of the coffee are appreciated USD50 per pound, or about USD22,68 per kilogram.

Minas Geraiz is the name of the region where coffee originated, traditionally cultivated, thus creating a coffee-flavored caramel legitnya mixed berries.


Guatemala is famous for coffee named El Injerto coffee. Coffee from this Huehuetenango region despite having the same price with coffee Facenda Santa Ines, but have the minimum criteria for the purchase, which is not less than 1 pound (0.45 kg).

St. Helena
Yag island located 1,200 miles off the coast of Africa has coffee sold for USD79 per pound, or USD35,8 per kilogram. Napoleon Bonaparte had introduced the fortunate pleasure of coffee from this island to the world.

Boquete, Panama is the place of origin of coffee nicknamed Hacienda La Esmeralda. Due to its unique taste cultivated close to the guava tree makes a fantastic price, no less than USD208 to be paid for one kilogram of this type of coffee.

Our country offers the most expensive coffee in the world. Kopi Luwak Coffee Luwak who need assistance to this process appreciated USD320 per kilogram.